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graffiti writer keys

Featured Artist – Keys


Firstly who are you and where are you from?

Keys, Graffiti Writer from Sydney Australia

How do you think this affected you on your journey towards being a graffiti artist?

Australia is a melting pot of all cultures and style, Many writers come and go, it takes a long career to stand out, Sydney even more so, fast paced and always moving forward. Take part in life or get left behind.

When/How did you know you wanted to be a graffiti writer?

The 80s were an amazing time with prolific influence from America and the Hip Hop culture, early access to those first Breakdance and Graffiti movies like Style Wars inspired me to use my early creative talents towards painting my name and getting recognition for my skills. It was creative, competitive and challenging.

Your favourite or most inspirational place/spot you have painted at?

My favourite places to paint are chill walls with good people, Its always inspiring to travel and paint interstate and abroad as different scenes and styles always make you rethink your own work.

graffiti writer keys

keys graffiti art

What/Who are some of the inspirations that drive you to paint?

Ive been blessed to have met and painted with some great older writers that I always looked up to , who have taught me the history and stories of graffiti in Australia and are still painting. Its inspirational to see where it all started and then see new writers pushing the limits of what you though possible.

Did this help guide you to where you are today?

Definitely, without a strong history and knowledge you have no basis to begin. Be hungry for info and learn as much as you can if you are truly passionate about something. Respect to those who came before me and those still painting!

Tell us a do you have any memorable moments/stories/chases you could share from a painting mission?

Too many hahahahahha, over the last couple of years Ive had some very interesting “conversations” with the powers that be. Public heroes have been a constant challenge recently but a memorable one was WHOM and I trying to finish a production when interrupted by a public hunt involving dogs, torches, and long time spent hiding in bushes only to be rescued by our uber driver in shining armour.

What direction do you feel graffiti is going these days with style?

Due to the recent popularity of legal street art and availability of new better quality materials I feel graffiti is often leaning towards pretty pictures, portraits and mural style work which has its time and place but don’t get it twisted its still about the letters for me and if you cant bend em you’re nothing.

sydney graffiti artist keys

keys to the city

What’s the biggest misconception the general public have of graffiti artists?

That they are 14 year old kids from terrible upbringings with low self esteem is the stereotype the public has but its involves all aspects of society, walks of life, ages and motivations. People have felt the need to draw on surfaces since the worlds earliest days and it wont stop anytime soon.

What are your thoughts on the whole graffiti vs street art?

Both have a place in our society, graffiti is given the bad name often because of its illegal nature but has always strived for public acceptance in some way, street art owes a lot to graffiti in terms of public spaces, acceptance, popularity, access to legal walls and  the commercial aspect as an avenue to profit from your skills.

What direction do you see graffiti heading in the future?

The future is unlimited, graffiti is adaptable and always evolving, artists continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible. it becomes harder in some ways and easier in others. I still kick myself that I can see most of the graffiti done over the weekend on the internet or social media and gather materials to paint with so much ease these days compare to the early days.

If you could share a message with the next generation of graffiti artists, what would it be?

If your in, go all in. This isn’t a fad, Learn your history and sketch daily.

There any up and coming artists that we should keep an eye out for?

Heaps, Lots of new artists I have had contact with through insta etc. The next generation of graffiti in Sydney is in good hands.

Any shouts out you would like to give?

Shoutouts firstly to my family, the crews NRC, TPA, TBM, the good guys, early bird crew and all the mad people Ive had the chance to paint with over the years.

Thank you very much for your time and we look forward to seeing more of your amazing work.

You can find more of Keys work on:
