BBINK: Where & how did you grow up and how do you think this affected you on your journey towards being a graffiti writer?
I grew up in Port Stephens.. In my home town there were 2 pieces I remember from 87-88 (scene & topcat). The next piece I saw was on a 1/4 pipe skate ramp we bought off a mate (I’m pretty sure my mates older brothers were responsible for the topcat piece).. That’s the first memories I have of graff. From that point I have always looked at graffiti with curiosity and an open mind.. But I was a good kid back then….
BBINK: When/How did you know you wanted to be an artist/graffiti writer?
Ummm, I didn’t think of graff as art when I started. My first experiences doing graffiti were a lot of fun. In fact more fun than any other experience I had at this stage in my life.. I started tagging with markers and shoe polish with my brother (R.I.P) and some friends…. This quickly escalated to raiding our dads garage for spray paint, then we started racking paint and bombing the streets (92-93). So it’s at this stage I was hooked on the excitement, adrenalin, and doing something that was different from regular humans.
BBINK: How did you learn to do what you do?
The first person to take some time out for me and give me some pointers was Tunz. I was pretty clueless about piecing before I met him, he showed me proportions, balance and structure… I guess he laid the foundations. Things moved quickly after I moved to Sydney and met Jiesk, who took me to the next level, along with Krush we all focused on our letter structures.
BBINK: How long have you been a graffiti writer?
24 years of graffiti! Still got plenty left in me
BBINK: What/Who are some of the inspirations for you and your art? Did this help guide you to where you are today?
My friends have always been the biggest part of who I am as a writer, it’s my friends who continue to inspire me in different ways. Jiesks style and dedication commands respect and is my single biggest influence Krush helped me develop my style too.. All my friends have been and continue to be a massive inspiration- Sekt, Shine, Tuns and Kawps all in different ways. Melbourne is a big source for me too at the moment! So much history, so much talent, so much graffiti! It’s a very positive scene and has really inspired me to paint more.
BBINK: What are your specialty skills in the field(s) of work you are in? Why do you enjoy them the most?
I specialise in the fine arts of sinking piss. I enjoy it most
BBINK: What are your personal goals now and in the future as an artist?
I hope to achieve the perfect piece one day.
BBINK: What’s the biggest misconception other people have of graffiti artists?
The common misconception is that we cause damage when we paint! The fact is its paint; paint protects surfaces! As for trains, our spray paint doesn’t stick very well to glass and steel or shiny 2pac finished surfaces… So we (writers) get the blame for excessive train ticket prices..meanwhile our government just signed a $700 million deal with a Japanese company to take care of the myki ticketing system used on ‘ public’ transport system that’s actually privately owned by offshore companies…
BBINK: Tell us a little about how you like to work. (Alone, with others, in phases, details, etc…)
I like to sketch a lot. I feel sketching is where my style develops the most. When I’m sketching I’m trying to achieve a fresh look, focusing on letter structures and the way they work with each other. To me fills, colours, neatness and effects only compliment a good outline.
BBINK: In your opinion, what are some major changes that has happened within the graffiti scene since you started?
First one is paint! The quality is much better and they are now very user friendly. This has made piecing easier than ever.. I also feel that as the paint was changing (It was late 90s when the first writers paint hit Aussie shores) styles and techniques changed/adapted to the new paint and nozzle systems. For example, ghost cap finals vs power plus push forward finals.. Each system slightly changed the way we paint.. Generally we paint larger pieces in 2016 compared to the nineties.
Second is social media/internet. The Internet has increased exposure both of current and old pieces in all corners of the globe! It’s helped unite and strengthen the whole community of writers.
BBINK: Do you feel like invented or developed something very unique yourself?
I’ve invented some words
BBINK: What would you say is the most important thing to you about graffiti?
Having fun! If you don’t enjoy it then you are doing it wrong!
BBINK: Thank you very much for your time and we look forward to seeing more of your amazing work!
Cheers blood! Keep up the good work
Photos: @jieskie